19/04 JUMP! Barcelona: Gala González
Gala González, una de las bloggers más influyentes en todo el mundo saltará el próximo jueves 19/04 a la cabina de JUMP! BARCELONA. Estará acompañada por Gerard Estadella y los residentes Simon… »
FASHION AGAINST AIDS, Yo estaré allí, ¡te espero!
Como ya es habitual, H&M vuelve a lanzar una colección cápsula Fashion Against Aids, en la que el 25% del precio de compra de venta es donado a la prevención y concienciación del VIH/SIDA. Este año, se ha… »
Diet Coke by Jean-Paul Gaultier
Fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier gives Diet Coke a makeover. The French haute couture designer has created a new limited edition collection of Diet Coke bottles entitled “Night & Day” that pays homage to Gaultier’s infamous designs.
Kawasaki Shoes – From Denmark since 1972
No te dejes engañar por su nombre japonés, las Kawasaki vienen de Dinamarca, donde se han convertido en todo un clásico durante las últimas tres décadas y hasta un objeto… »
12/04 JUMP! David Delfin & Pelayo Díaz
Este jueves 12 de Abril volvemos al Otto Zutz Barcelona con JUMP! En esta fiesta saltarán con nosotros el diseñador DAVID DELFIN y PELAYO DIAZ (www.katelovesme.com) uno de los bloggers de moda más seguidos en todo el mundo…. »
Arena Homme+ features Final Fantasy XIII-2 characters modeling Prada clothes
Square Enix has teamed up with Prada to have characters from Final Fantasy XIII-2 model some clothes from the 2012 Spring/Summer men’s clothing collection in the April 2012 issue of Arena Homme+.
As part of the “Final Fantasy”… »
El próximo jueves 5 de Abril estará con nosotros NAJWA NIMRI en su faceta como DJ. Estará acompaña de GEEJ (Icanteachyouhowtodoit), Simone Siel (WTB.Bcn) y Gigi el Amoroso. Esta primavera NAJWA NIMRI editará su segundo disco en castellano… »
The New York Times Magazine Photographs
For over thirty years, the New York Times Magazine has presented the myriad possibilities and applications of photography. The New York Times Magazine Photographs is an exhibition that reflects upon and interrogates the very nature of… »
Topman Denim Jacket Project
Denim Jacket by Katie Eary
Denim Jacket by Topman Design
Denim Jacket by Topman Design
Denim Jacket by Katie Eary
Denim Jacket by Oliver Spencer
Denim Jacket by Oliver Spencer
Denim Jacket… »
Los mocasines son de piel, la mochila es un imprescindible y la chaqueta por si vuelve el frío. Hemos escogido nuestras prendas favoritas de la nueva colección de primavera-verano 2012 de la firma española SUITEBLANCO, ya disponible en su tienda… »
JUMP! Barcelona 29/03
Este jueves 29/03 volvemos a estar en JUMP! BARCELONA. Esta vez, con Vinila Von Bismark DJ SET, Simone Siel y Gigi El Amoroso. Además, no os perdáis el Fashion Show de Ines Itsaso & Loreak Collection.
Apúntate en la lista… »
Hyères 2012 / The photo selection
From April 27 to April 30, 27th International Festival of Fashion & Photography Hyères 2012 (Paris). 10 Photographers, 10 Fashion Designers, 10 Exhibitions.
The Little Black Jacket
Mark Vanderloo, Baptiste Giabiconi and Brad Kroenig’s 3 year old son, Hudson photographed by Karl Largerfeld in collaboration with Carine Roitfeld (Vogue Paris), for a new exhibition (and book) around Coco Chanel‘s famous tweed jacket, entitled “The Little Black Jacket”.
JUMP! Barcelona
JUMP WITH ME !!! A partir del 22 de Marzo cada Jueves en Otto Zutz. La primera cita será con Rossy de Palma pinchando, Geej (Icanteachyouhowtodoit), Simone Siel, XS dj´s y FUCKINGYOUNG como colaboradores.
En próximas ediciones pasarán por JUMP!… »
Win a bottle of KOKORICO by Jean Paul Gaultier
A few weeks ago we were at the presentation of KOKORICO in Madrid and it was kind of awesome!
Now Fucking Young! and Jean Paul Gaultier team up to offer you the chance to win 1 of 10… »
We add to our wishlist this pieces by Jil Sander from Spring/Summer 2012 collection. Men’s Python Leather Geometric Tote and Python Print T-Shirt, availables in LN-CC.
LN-CC Men’s Accesories for Summer
Special selection of accessories for men in LN-CC. Essential for this summer include Maison Martin Margiela… »
Kokorico by Jean Paul Gaultier
FUCKINGYOUNG was invited to the presentation party last week at Espacio Xiquena in Madrid. Jean Paul Gaultier finally launches his brand new masculine fragrance in Spain with an amazing spot featuring Jon Kortajarena.
“Tattoos” by Jacek Kolodziejski
Pan tu nie stał brand (You have not stood here, Mister) presented a collection of conceptual washable tattoos. As usual, inspiration flowed from distanced nostalgia for soviet period of Polish history and an attempt to tame a very Polish symbols… »
ASOS Harrington Jacket
Harrington bomber jacket by ASOS. Constructed in a pure cotton fabric. Featuring a funnel neck with a double button throat latch, a zip fastening front, button-down flap pockets to the lower body, full length sleeves,… »
FASHIONCLASH Maastricht 2012
As the name implies, FASHIONCLASH creates a ‘clash’ around fashion. ‘Clash’ stands for an inspiring encounter of different designers, disciplines and a diverse audience. Promising photographer Madame Peripetie brought the work of a number of talents together and the result… »
Jean Paul Gaultier ¿Te atreves?
Hace solo unos días os enseñábamos unos looks impresionantes del desfile de Jean Paul Gaultier en París. Ahora nos sorprenden invitándonos a descubrir el nuevo perfume masculino de Jean Paul Gaultier el próximo 8 de febrero en Madrid…. »
F.Y. video
H&M Design Award: Grand jury in London!
All six national winners are now announced for the H&M Design Award 2012! In this news video, they show their collections to the Grand Jury in London!
The finalists are now competing to win the global Design Award. The… »
Versace for H&M cruise collection COMPETITION
River Viiperi has decided to give away some items from the Versace for H&M collection.
On Tuesday 24th January 21h30 MODAFAD arrives at the Fàbrica Moritz Barcelona. This edition, based on The Apocalypse, will include a spectacular light performance created by the prestigious designer Moritz Waldemeyer (also knows as “Electric Kid”) and will… »
H&M Design Award
H&M has created this brand new international design award with the ambition of supporting talented designers after their graduation. The H&M Design Award aims to push fashion students in the right direction, so that they can continue to… »
Levi’s Model Search
Levi Strauss have launched a global campaign to find a new model for an upcoming campaign. Targeted at both males and females, the ‘I am Levi’s’ Instagram global casting campaign asks people to submit photos of themselves using the Instagram… »
Los chicos de BURN llevan un año preparándose para esto y hoy nos han soltado la noticia ¡El estreno de
Take a look at coats for this winter by spanish brand BLANCO. Shop now at www.blanco.com