“A certain darkness is needed to see the stars”
Cover feat. Lucky at Select Model Management shot by Hunter & Gatti
–If you believe you can achieve– I don’t remember where I first heard this phrase, but it’s stayed with me throughout the years. “If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen” is another one that most of us have heard.
It can be argued that magic is nothing more than a reflection of the egocentrism of a person who believes, or wants to believe, that they have the power to alter reality through non-conventional methods. I don’t believe that there’s anything wrong with this and that in some ways this kind of thinking – through magic or not – helps us to focus on something that we eventually manage to achieve. I remember wishing for a lot of things that then happened. Other things did not, but I continue to wish for them with all my ‘magical’ power.
Mysticism and magic have existed since the beginning of time. Together with that which can’t be explained, it’s been a part of the evolutionary chain of all cultures and civilisations. It’s affected political and spiritual decisions and is present in everything around us: past, present and future. One could say that man, since being able to use reason, is on a constant journey searching for an explanation. Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?
We always want this explanation to be scientific, and preferably such that it doesn’t lead to more questions. But ultimately we might be wanting this explanation to have some sort of magic, because the most beautiful things in life are the ones not guided by the laws of physics, which are nothing but reasonable.
Magic exists and is present in the small everyday things: in sensations, in love, in the eyes of the stranger that gives you the feeling that they know something more.
Our MAGIC cover feat. Lucky at Select Model Management shot by Hunter & Gatti and styled by Marti Arcucci. Also include editorials by Allan Hamitouche, Cesar Love Alexandre, Christo Viola, Daniel del Valle, Fabio Paleari, Maximilian Semlinger, Michiel Meewis, Leeor Wild, Peggy Kuiper, Petrovsky & Ramone and Saverio Cardia.