

Jed Texas by Mikey Whyte

Jed Texas at Elite London photographed by Mikey Whyte and styled by Twiggy Hunter with pieces from Guy Lab, Vlad Kanevsky, Nasir Mazhar, Nike and more, in exclusive for Fucking Young! Online.

1 FebExclusive. Heart

Maison Préjujé. Démodé, pas démodé, vous savez hein?

It’s preposterous how they were never able to see us. They first see our effeminate nature: not proper for man.  Then, our bogus identity: neither man, nor woman.  And when lucky, some will merrily behold the darken layers of our… »

15 NovHeart

Loewe. Expectations in a Bag

Last week, alongside other bloggers, I joined Stuart Vevers (Loewe’s creative director) and PR crew extraordinaire to take part in a roundtable at the 2nd floor of the company’s Gran Via store. Together, we were to celebrate the excellence and skill of the… »

25 SepHeart

Fabulous is on line 3

After some minutes spent getting ready to leave home, and by some minutes I really mean an entire morning entertained with a long cold shower, followed by an intimate ironing session with my white Jaquard Aquascutum shirt which I then… »

12 MayHeart

When cruising it’s not amusing. (For gays only.)

I was on my best philosophical behavior, sitting bored and polite at the university library, and sneakily posing with a mountain of random books that I do not intend to read, when I suddenly got an urge for sex.

3 AprHeart

No one wants to stay single

Last night I couldn’t sleep, and I didn’t know what was keeping me from doing so. It couldn’t be for those infamous procrastinating work-ethics that got me delayed one semester (no, there’s definitely nothing there to worry about), neither could… »

23 FebHeart

Dinner for Three

Time was never our allied, regardless: not a year goes by without a celebration. Everything takes time, and time takes upon everything. Time’s absolute teleology comprises all: those who were born to blossom, will also bloom to perish.

3 JanHeart

Closure. Not a door.

Standing still at an intersection, I could only sense the traffic rush blocking my blood flow. The greater was the movement outside, the deeper felt the stillness of heart.

24 DecHeart

The tomorrow that may never be. A Christmas tale.

I wish I had spent the afternoon lying in a golden chamber fashioned like a late-roman empire  intrigue, where Mademoiselle Charlotte Casiraghi’s pouting presence, meets me sipping tea with Diane Kruger-turned-fag-hag-of-the-jour at Chanel’s Paris-Byzance Métiers d’Art defilé. But… »

12 DecHeart

Eros. The Greek bastard.

Every time we kissed I heard a choir in the back on my head, and instead of Halleluiah, they sung There’s got to be more to life. I felt like the damned bastard of highly fantasized demands, slow… »

11 NovHeart

They say you die and go to heaven

They say you die and go to heaven. If the latter is true, I really wish God would grant me a bail and let me stay put in my Chanel black and white silk coffin for eternity. The thing… »

2 OctHeart

Farewell to the fairground

You thought being gay meant a full body wax and annoying accessorizing and I guessed being straight was that recurrent gag reflex men usually get after I walk in. Luckily both myths were shattered by our idiosyncratic personalities that fate… »

15 JulHeart

You need to know I’m shit scared

Any words bound to express the human achievements due to a gifted working mind pose an irrelevant weight when it comes to trading it for beauty. Youth culture and Photoshop drama made it harder for the wise ones. When it… »

9 JulHeart

Are you in?

When a facebook post triggers a twilight of thoughts that a year in philosophy couldn’t, odds are something’s wrong. Or something’s quite right. Forget your ordinary photo upload entangled on shameless self promotion of every gaga infused euro-teen micro-pop-star that… »

29 JunHeart

High End Depression

I really couldn’t care less if there’s a volcano erupting in new Mexico: as long as I can pity my own eruptions in a multibillion dollar concrete floor apartment sur le seine: I’m cool. So yes, I’m giving up… »

4 MayHeart

Little Red Ridding Hood

Little Red Ridding Hood was a tale meant to keep suburban wolves away from children. Ironically, now that you left childhood behind: this is precisely the tale you’ll need the most.

It’s Sunday morning and you have another boring date with… »

9 AprHeart


If teachers always told us we should love thy neighbour: why do I feel like running a chainsaw thru all my fellow citizens?

I have a confession to make: although I’ve never killed anyone… there’s blood in my hands. Like a… »

19 MarHeart

Don’t call my name, Alejandro.

Don’t call my name, Alejandro.

We’ve all been there.  Whenever love is unavailable fuckbuddies will be there to make sure affection is. Welcome: It’s Friday night at his house, in his bed, and all you wanted for tonight was good old… »

9 FebHeart

Blind date Drama. Chanel Couture Karma.

Late night and there’s another blind date drama knocking on my cell phone. The plot is simple: boy meets boy through some creepy date website and after a brief encounter the relationship evolves into an immense halo of expectation. If… »

20 JanHeart

The Florence Within

What’s new about the hysteric girl rolling her body in the church floor while mimicking to her latest single? Nothing. It’s probably a new face and certainly her clothes have been updated. Still, it’s that same archetype woman, or gay… »

15 JanHeart
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We explore the complexities of the heart through conversations with Alexandre Mattiussi, Gauthier Borsarello, Jacques Agbobly, and artist Robin Kid.
