Bershka presents its third installment of the Wearable Art collection, a unique ‘phygital’ line that merges the digital with the physical. This collection allows wearers to bring virtual elements to life on their clothing through the magic of augmented reality.

The latest collection is a collaboration with the XR & WEB3 Product House FFFACE, featuring five fresh graphics inspired by the latest trends. These designs are available on-demand, ensuring that fashion enthusiasts can sport the most current styles.

Owners of the garments can activate the augmented reality filters by scanning the QR code attached to the clothing, pointing their mobile phone cameras at the T-shirt’s print, and then witnessing the design animate via Instagram.

With this third release, Bershka continues to innovate its phygital garment range. The brand encourages customers to create and share their experiences on social media using the hashtag #bershkastyle, fostering a community of interactive fashion.

Check it out below:


The latest Wearable Art drop is now exclusively available for purchase. You can explore the collection and make your selections at Bershka’s Print Shop on their official website,