SOS Humanity, a civil maritime rescue organization, operates as a dedicated force in the pursuit of preserving lives and ensuring the safety of individuals fleeing by sea. Their mission revolves around fostering a world where every person is treated with dignity and enjoys the fundamental rights inherent to all.

In a special collaboration, Armedangels aligns forces with SOS Humanity and artist Gabe to create a limited-edition artist t-shirt, with the intention of supporting and promoting #HumanityForAll—a campaign aimed at ending the tragic loss of lives at sea during the pursuit of refuge. As part of this collaboration, 100% of the profits generated from the sale of these t-shirts will be donated to SOS Humanity, empowering their lifesaving endeavors.

Artist Gabriel Holzner, widely known as Gabe, is a multidisciplinary graphic artist hailing from the southern region of Germany. His artistic creations draw inspiration from his formative years in the ’90s, influenced by European comics, graffiti, and the vibrant scene surrounding the Berlin-based magazine “LODOWN.” Gabe’s artistic prowess spans a wide range of mediums, with his works adorning city walls, art prints, paintings, and even basketball courts. Reflecting on this collaboration, Gabe shared his thoughts and excitement surrounding this transformative endeavor.