Hace un año, Ardi y Pampa empezaron con la idea de tener su propio espacio creativo, un experimento en toda regla con imágenes, texto, tipografías e ilustraciones… acaban de cumplir un año y han lanzado una edición especial para conmemorarlo.

La tengo en mis manos y este número 5 de Soko Magazine, es una nueva Soko, una nueva visión.

A year ago we started Soko with the idea of having our own creative space, a kind of experiment with images, text, typography and illustrations. Today we have a new year, a new soko, a new vision.

Soko started as a game as a way of showcasing the work of Pogo and I can say that in just one year Soko gave us joy, total freedom and pleasure, full us of knowledge, taught us that although we are across the planet people are incredibly sensitive to what you do, give us lot´s of new friends as well as enemies, but above all made us grow as a studio, designers and people.

We have no words that could explain what thankfull we are to everyone that supported us in this incredible year.

Sincerely yours,

Ardi & Pampa, editors in chief.
