N Palmer premiered their debut collection with a psychedelic film during London Fashion Week. The collection was created during designer Nicholas Palmer’s time in lockdown and features locally sourced vintage 70’s shirts and scarves turned into psychedelic patchwork. For this collection, the purpose and history of fabrics are considered and themes including the importance of fabric waste and how much material waste is produced are explored.
Kadiff Kirwan is the embodiment of screen and stage wide-range aptitude having appeared in Fleabag, Chewing Gum, Black Mirror, and now back with Season 4 of spy drama Slow Horses on Apple TV. Openly gay, he has… »
Antón Álvarez, better known as C. Tangana in the music world, is set to make his directorial debut with the film “La Guitarra Flamenca de Yerai Cortés.”
The event, held at the trendy EKSEPTION venue, drew a crowd of influencers and creatives, including TikTok star Lucia de la Puerta, actor Guillermo Campra, model Luis Brownie, and singer Anaju.wav.
Inspired by four distinct personalities – The Artist, The Entertainer, The Traveler, and The Entrepreneur – the collection blends Armani’s timeless elegance with Kith’s modern street style.
This exciting partnership combines the heritage of tennis with the tradition of martial arts, resulting in a unique and stylish range of apparel and accessories.
Recognized for her work at prestigious brands like Chloé and Givenchy, Waight Keller brings a wealth of experience and a distinct aesthetic to the Japanese fashion giant.
Inspired by the sci-fi landscapes of Star Wars and the cinematic grandeur of Akira Kurosawa’s samurai films, the campaign transports us to the volcanic landscapes of Lanzarote.
This campaign features three distinct lines: EREVOS, Iconic Grey, and Blink, all united by a minimalist design, a grayscale color palette, and the brand’s signature geometric prints.