Casablanca Paris unveils its Spring/Summer 2023 campaign entitled ‘Futuro Optimisto.’ Breaking new ground, the brand forays into the world of artificial intelligence.

Teaming up with the British photographer and AI artist, Luke Nugent, the artistic fusion of AI and photography creates images that blur the lines between reality and reverie. A harmonious blend of genuine and imagined worlds materializes through meticulous layers of advanced AI software, intertwining composition, environment, characters, and narratives.

Under the meticulous guidance of Casablanca’s Creative Director, Charaf Tajer, a creative ensemble of stylists, assistants, photographers, set designers, art directors, and lighting experts breathes life into the collection’s distinctive color palette, buoyant perspective, and captivating psychedelic space cowboy motifs.

Though diverse in character and depth, each image within the SS23 campaign bridges the gap between the splendor of nature and the boundless possibilities of progressive technology, a symbolic representation of AI driven by the very essence of human emotion.

Could this be the beginning of a new trend? As the fusion of AI and photography takes center stage, one can’t help but ponder the profound implications it holds for traditional photography. I guess we’ll have to wait to see. But for now, just enjoy this new campaign and explore the SS23 Collection, available for purchase exclusively on


Creative Direction: Charaf Tajer @charaftajer
Art Direction: Steve Grimes @steviegrimes & Sid Oudainia Beaulieu @sidoudainiabeaulieu
Photography & AI generation: Luke Nugent @lukenugentstudio
Stylist: Helena Tejedor @helenatejedor
Retouching: Steve Grimes @steviegrimes