Guipúzcoa-born and Barcelona-based designer Eñaut showed its fourth collection titled LOGGING 4%, during 080 Barcelona Fashion. Focusing on deforestation and logging the designer explores life and the absence of it, everything and nothingness, beauty and desolation. A perspective of the struggle in the battle of mass exploitation.
We had the chance to speak with him and this is what he told us:
Your debut at 080 Barcelona Fashion in June 2019 earned you the award for best emerging collection. How did the award help you?
The truth is that it served me in many ways, but above all, it gave me the push I needed at that moment to continue on my path. Getting started, whatever this is, is always difficult, and I won this award with my first collection, at a time when I had many doubts and was not sure what I was doing, whether I would or not find my place in the fashion industry. That is why he made me see that there were possibilities and gave me the necessary strength to continue with my brand to the full. It is very exciting and rewarding to have your work recognized.
Since that date, a lot has changed in the world, even modifying the way collections are presented. What are the pros and cons of this new digital format?
We enter what is the second virtual edition. We face it with a little more experience. Creating a fashion film gives you the opportunity to go a step beyond what a catwalk is, you have a completely different scenario re-think something totally new. This includes, on the other hand, the challenge that you find when you do not feel the live show and have the need to transport the spectator and put him inside the story when he is in an environment totally different from the one you want to take him. Therefore, it is a challenge to feel without the heat of a face-to-face show, but the tools and opportunities to create something different are much more powerful.
Tell us a little about your new collection.
This new collection is called 4% jogging, which is a term in English to refer to deforestation or massive logging. It is born from a personal process and discovery of the entire dark world that is behind the main reason for deforestation. For this, I wanted to create a collection of contrasts with colors as a common thread. We will find the green reflecting the living and the abundance of nature, passing through the black in reference to the destruction to end up in all land that will remind us of the emptiness or desolation that remains at the end. We will also find contrasts in the same look, which makes us see that the processes are not that they have already happened but that they are happening and that it is something that affects us right now.
How is sustainability present in your collection?
I always try to incorporate sustainability into whatever I make. Many of the fabrics are made of recycled materials, organic fibers, and vegan sustainable leather. On the other hand, all the garments have been designed avoiding the consumption or unnecessary waste of fabric. And all the garments are made by me in my workshop.
How would you define the EÑAUT man?
It has been a long time since I stopped wondering who Eñaut’s client is because it is very wide and varied and it changes in the same way that I evolve as a brand. I have learned that fashion is consumed by personal moments and not by labels. I create for those people who get my message or like what I do.
This is already your fourth collection. What’s next for EÑAUT?
Keep learning. Try to get involved in all the projects that come and contribute and continue to grow professionally.
Take a look at EÑAUT Fall/Winter 2021 collection below: