Prada and National Geographic CreativeWorks continue their collaboration with a new film, “Drowning in Noise.” This film, the second in their series, takes Benedict Cumberbatch to Bodø, Norway, to explore how human activity affects the underwater soundscape.

The film, set in the Arctic Circle, focuses on whales and other marine mammals that rely on sound for communication and navigation. Whale songs, capable of traveling vast distances, are a key element of this environment. Environmental advocate Valentina Gottlieb talks with biologist Dr. Heike Vester about the impact of human-generated noise. They examine how shipping and seismic surveys, used for oil and gas exploration, disrupt the ocean’s natural soundscape. The film also explores solutions to this problem, focusing on how to protect marine life and preserve their communication for the future.

Prada’s commitment to ocean preservation is furthered by their Re-Nylon for SEA BEYOND Collection. One percent of the proceeds from this collection goes to SEA BEYOND, Prada Group’s educational program with UNESCO. This program aims to raise awareness about sustainability and ocean conservation.

Watch the film, which explores Prada Re-Nylon, on