In a nod to Jean-Michel Othoniel’s exceptional work known as The Gold Rose, created to celebrate Francis Kurkdjian’s latest fragrance, L’Or de J’adore, a new collection emerged within Dior Maison. Othoniel’s vision gave birth to Perles, a range of plates and platters adorned with designs reminiscent of the French artist’s gilded bronze sculpture.

Within Othoniel’s sketches, a plethora of pearls intertwine to craft the delicate contours of an ethereal rose. These dynamic motifs grace an array of essential pieces, including a presentation plate subtly adorned with a 24-carat gold edge, as well as dinner, dessert, and bread plates. The symbolism of gold, an iconic code of Dior, underscores the Maison’s timeless audacity and inventiveness like never before.

This collection serves as an ode to the excellence of contemporary art and the beauty of the botanical world. It’s an exclusive line dedicated to the pleasure of enjoyment, a sentiment cherished by the Maison’s visionary founder.