‘Bones in the waters’ is a short film by Héctor Prats inspired by the story of the boatman who guides the souls of the dead to cross the river to the beyond. Channeled by Wesphere’s music, the subtitles written by Luca Dobry generate a monologue about the transit; join the line that unites – as well as separates – the opposites. Life and death, good and evil, binary genres, night and day, knowledge and ignorance, beauty and ugliness, light and darkness… Neither alive nor dead, Kharon – interpreted by Chen Min Kao— is trapped on this axis.

The three musical fragments that accompany the piece are part of the upcoming LP by the band from Barcelona. ‘No brainer 0202’ is the first release from the newly established record label of El Pumarejo de l’Hospitalet, Amēn Discos.

Directed by Hector Prats
Poetry by Luca Dobry