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Una publicación compartida de Antwerp Fashion Department (@antwerpfashionofficial) el

As Covid-19 restrictions are causing cancellations of public events worldwide, the Fashion Department of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp – AP University College is decidedly moving forward with a new and innovative way to show off its students’ end-of-year and graduate collections. After the Academy’s rapid pivot to virtual classes and online mentoring sessions, the next logical step is a digital Antwerp fashion runway for all to see.

Walter Van Beirendonck, head of the Fashion Department said that “during these extreme times, it is crucial to self-reflect, but we find it equally important to look towards the future with hope and perseverance. Some fashion schools have decided to postpone their graduation efforts – which I completely understand – but my team and I wanted to explore fresh avenues to bookend our students’ hard work, but also our school year, in a celebratory way. I am excited and proud to announce our dynamic digital platform WWWSHOWWW.”

More about WWWSHOWWW, its online release schedule featuring Belgian and international guests will be revealed the end of May.