This season, Archie Alled-Martinez shifts towards a different take on the 70s, exploring the style of a street-version of his initial dandy: “70s hustler” a long-gone breed of “ephebes”, clashing them with elements of styling and dressing codes of today’s “ephebes”: Skateboarders.

The brand explores deeper into its DNA and pays tribute to those pioneers that lost their life silently to AIDS and the serology stigma, 40 years after its first appearance in 1981. Jacques De Bascher, Antonio Lopez, Sterling Saint-Jacques, Joe Macdonald, Al Parker or Roy Halston are some of the brands icons, honored as “Unsung Heroes” in a varsity style. These are labeled with the age they left us.

Taking elements from the iconic wardrobe and the semiotics from the gay liberation movement, the looks are freshened up by clashing those iconic pieces with the styling from Skateboarders. The collection is a constant reminder of the brand’s DNA: Desire with subtle references to sex, homoerotism and hedonism.