We Are Not Friends is a brand of artists and this is how they have defined it in each of the collections they have made since their adventure began. His collections tell stories and this occasion has served as an excuse to pay tribute to Luis Royo himself who, after so long, has decided to embark on this adventure together with the person who one day received his letter envelope and has kept it for so long.

Luis Royo is a legend of fantasy, erotic and apocalyptic illustration. He has more than 40 books published by Norma Editorial, a regular contributor to Heavy Metal Magazine, covers for Isaac Asimov as well as dozens of video game covers and science fiction books in which 80s and 90s. More recently he has collaborated with George R. R. Martin (author of Game of Thrones) to illustrate his latest novel The Ice Dragon.

What is the story behind this collaboration? Well, 30 years ago Luis Royo himself gave an envelope of collectible cards of his illustrations to Mathias, director and designer of We Are Not Friends, which he kept like gold on a cloth. With this excuse, WANF contacted Royo, and he agreed without hesitation to use the design of that envelope for the collaboration.

Take a look at the result below: