Untitled Artworks is the Milan-based brand/laboratory created by designer Erasmo Ciufo with the intent to create a visual commentary that reflects his fascination with craftsmanship and ancient art and the way they interact with contemporary narratives.

The collections, conceived as limited edition artworks, are the natural result of his professional experience as a creative director, working with the likes of Adidas, Marcelo Burlon and Off-White and a wide range of rappers (such as Sfera Ebbasta, Big Sean, 21 Savage) but beyond that, they reflect his belief that fashion can communicate messages, express the wearer’s identity and lead to social change.

The longing for simplicity, getting back to basics and closer to nature are the main themes of this independent label created under the concept of slow fashion, using processes with the greatest possible reduction in ecological footprint and with respect for human dignity. Artisanal processes pursue the timeless beauty of hand-made artifacts, where all the products are different, hand-painted, embroidered and screen-printed by hand in Erasmo’s studio in Milan.

Anthropological motifs combined with nostalgic references to pre-historic art and totemic symbols appear across hoodies, knitwear and jersey. The limited-edition collections as well as one-off unique pieces, are gender-inclusive, seasonless and aim to re-center the conscious consumer as the focus of the brand attention.

Naturalness and timelessness are Untitled Artworks’ epitomes of luxury. Dedicated to creating beautifully designed clothes that are made to last, with the final intent of bringing your mind to a time in which natural instincts and real primary values are the only ones we should all focus on.
