Telfar, the brand that made the vegan tote a fashion sensation, is taking a big step. They’re launching a new luxury bag called The Carry, made from high-quality leather. The bag is more expensive than their other products, but it’s still much cheaper than similar luxury bags.

The Carry is a reinterpretation of Telfar’s signature tote, crafted from soft, aniline, full-grain pebble leather. With its unstructured design and supple folds, The Carry is designed to contour to your body and provide a tactile experience. The bag features leather-covered snaps, lengthened hand straps for shoulder carrying, and minimal hardware.

Telfar wants people to experience the bag in person before buying it. To celebrate the launch of The Carry, the brand will open a concept shop at The Corner Shop at Selfridges in London. The store will be transformed into a TV set for the live filming of Telfar’s variety show and opening party. The programming will include weekly in-store episodes, live DJ sets, and surprise guests.

In addition to The Carry, Telfar is also launching a 20-piece capsule collection of leather apparel in collaboration with Wilson’s Leather. The collection features skirts, bottoms, and jackets in various styles, paired with deconstructed rib basics.

Check it out below: