Pierre Barthe, Luka Badnjar and Yulef Bopp photographed by Alexandre Desmidt and styled by Louis Guimard, in exclusive for Fucking Young! Online.

Creative and art director: Alexandre Desmidt @alexandredesmidt
Stylist assistant: Paul Birraux @paulbirraux
Hair stylist : Flavien Hymonnet @flavien_hym
Makeup artist : Aurélie Dehecq @aurelie_dehecq

Pierre Barthe @pierrebarthee at Metropolitan Models @mmanagementmodels
Luka Badnjar at @selectmodelparis
Yulef Bopp @yulef_bopp at Metropolitan Models @mmanagementmodels

BRANDS: XXXY, FSTD, Camper Lab, FBMT/, Celine Homme, Loëy, Pressiat, Prada, Martial, Loëy, Transe Paris, Collier, The Unissen, Motoguo, Vivienne Westwood, Emmanuelle Kahn.
Coordination & Distribution : @agence.panda