PUMA, in collaboration with The Pokémon Company International, announces its creative collection showcasing the amazing world of Pokémon. PUMA takes inspiration from fan-favorite Pokémon (including Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and Gengar) for its new collection, which features iconic graphics and playful attention to detail.

The collection’s sneakers focus on these beloved Pokémon from the world-famous entertainment franchise, as highlighted by the PUMA Slipstream Charmander, as well as PUMA’s Suede, Rider FV and TRC Blaze Court, which take inspiration from Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Gengar. Across the footwear range, Pokémon fans will find hidden details on the tongue label, sockliner and heel.

Accompanying clothing features textured prints and tactile details on items like the sherpa jacket and sweatpants, while Pokémon graphics appear on a variety of cotton t-shirts, crew neck sweatshirts and hoodies.

Finally, the collection includes accessories in the form of hats and shoulder bags made in collaboration. In addition, an exclusive PUMA x Pokémon collaboration capsule collection—featuring RS-X Pikachu sneakers and exclusive apparel, footwear, and accessories—will be available at Foot Locker and Pokémon Center, the ultimate online destination for high-quality, official Pokémon merchandise. quality in the US, Canada and the UK.

The PUMA x Pokémon Collection offers sizing for the entire family and will be available globally at PUMA Stores, PUMA.com, Foot Locker and select retailers beginning November 12.

Take a look at the collection below: