For its 9th edition, taking place from 18 to 22 October 2023 in the ninth district of Paris, the Paris Internationale art fair has selected 65 galleries from 25 countries. Celebrating the return of long-standing collaborators such as BQ (Berlin), Bureau (New York), greengrassi (London), Kayokoyuki (Tokyo), Kendall Koppe (Glasgow), KOW (Berlin) as well as ROH (Jakarta) who will be exhibiting alongside their three founding galleries: Ciaccia Levi (Paris/Milan), Crèvecœur (Paris) and Gregor Staiger (Zurich/Milan). This year, the most edgy and avant-garde Parisian art fair is also welcoming t20 newcomers, including ChertLüdde (Berlin), Empty Gallery (Hong Kong), Gaga (Mexico City), Magician Space (Beijing), Niru Ratnam (London), Petrine (Paris) and Piktogram (Warsaw).
Yu Nishimura, gaze, 2023 – Courtesy of the artist and Crèvecœur, Paris
Free, daring, multi-generational, inclusive, and collaborative, Paris Internationale maintains its founding values through a selection that reflects the richness and diversity of a new generation of galleries and artists they support. Founded by and for these galleries as an innovative alternative to traditional art fairs, Paris Internationale selects its participants for their influence within local ecosystems, as well as their importance on the global art scene and their specific projects for Paris.
Elizabeth Ravn, Magdo and Lucci (Neukölln Bed) II, 2022 – Courtesy of the artist and Deborah Schamoni. Photo: Ulrich Gebert.
In addition to these key players who define today’s art scene, Paris Internationale pursues each year its forward-looking and committed approach by welcoming non-profit organizations. They are invited to take part in the fair free of charge in order to promote their essential actions, both to the vitality of debates on contemporary creation and to the visibility of emerging artists and those evolving outside the traditional market circuits. This year, five of them have been selected: Brihatta Art Foundation (Dhaka, Bangladesh), Goswell Road (Paris, France), Joy (Paris, France), kim? (Riga, Latvia) and Something, (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire).
Murat Önen, Tired from the past, 2023 – Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Max Mayer, Düsseldorf.
Paris Internationale’s 2023 public programs celebrate the links between the artists from its community and the curators, directors of institutions, and other professionals involved in contemporary art. Inclusive and open to the world as much as to all the French territories that make its diversity a strength, Paris Internationale also echoes institutions that are sometimes under-represented.
Entrance to Paris Internationale is free but requires registration. You can do it HERE.