Enfants Riches Déprimés FW20 backstage shot by Marc Medina during PFW, in exclusive for Fucking Young!

As the world keeps whirling in global disruptions, the niche market of emerging designers has been hit quite hard by the current pandemic, factor which jeopardizes the entire fashion economy with no remorse. As they find themselves in a fragile position having overcome this situation, dealing with sufficient working capitals and having to innovate their methods, Paris’ Federation de la Haute Couture et de la Mode reinforces support by implementing the following actions:

– Bringing ongoing support for young brands identified by the Federation.

– Providing personalized support for better access to measures taken by the French Public Authorities (deferral of social and tax charges, short-time working…).

– Supporting the constitution of bank applications so as to enable them to face cash flow issues and in particular activate the corporate debt guaranteed up to 90% by the French State).

– Setting up a support fund to complement what the Federation is doing with the help of the industry body DEFI and the actions pursued by other actors in the French fashion ecosystem.

– Organizing seminars on operational issues (finance and cash management, digitalization and innovation, fiscal, employment, and commercial law…) in connection with the Federation’s professional partners (RSM, Fabernovel…).

– Reinforcing partnership with Institut Français de la Mode allowing emerging brands supported by the Federation to benefit from the courses and masterclasses set up to face COVID-19 crisis (IFM Labels Solidaire program).

– Transposing SPHERE – Paris Fashion Week® Showroom – dedicated to emerging brands into a digital showroom in partnership with the B2B platform Le New Black.

