MUF10 is a Copenhagen Fashion Week street style staple. For Spring/Summer 2019 the streetwear brand opened with up-and-coming Danish rapper ZK on the mic performing his mega-streamed track ZUM ZUM before the collection made its entrance against a backdrop made up of a giant LED screen showing a Danish policeman playing with a refugee kid. It was hard to deny the political atmosphere and that MUF10 has something to say about the life and clothing of immigrants and refugees and more particular, a very anti-stance on the recently placed burqa and niqab ban.

John Lennon’s Imagine started to play as models walked out while the LED screen had “imagine” written in Arabic. The same message made appearances throughout the collection. Oversized trenches in your dad’s favorite colors were paired with tracksuits, shirts, and tees, finishing off with white socks and loafers. The show ended with commentary showing a burqa-clad woman photographed at a recent protest against the newly passed, staged sirens and police alongside women in burqas met as each officer picked up a flower and gave them to the women. You could understand why it was important for MUF10 to stage a show this season, bringing life to the garments and the wearer.

Photos by Marc Medina in exclusive for Fucking Young!