Let’s talk about this from the outset – could you tell us how it all materialized for you?
I manifested something bigger for myself upon graduating high school and was blessed to have crossed paths with my agents who found me upon multiple other people who have driven me creatively with modeling and videography.
Three words that describe your best self are…
Driven, free, and optimistic.
Was fashion always a thing you were keen to dig into?
Yes, growing up I’ve always worn things other kids would look at and be like “what are you wearing dude?” just to see them in the same ‘fits months later.
Who’s been the best client to work with?
If you know me, you know I’m a big hooper. I’ve played basketball since I can remember and for an Adidas basketball shoot, I got to play basketball all day AND get paid for it… amazing.
How’s it been for you since commencing?
It has been many things for me. I’ve always pushed to be #1 in the things I put my undivided attention to no matter what. When I first signed, I pictured my life being what people think a model’s life is like: money, expensive things, undeniable energy, and image. I’ve learned these are all achievable but it does not happen in a heartbeat and meeting great people in the industry has subtracted my ego and made me realize the importance of humbling yourself regardless of the opportunities that might come your way and not somebody else’s. Appreciating things big and small is a big part of that, there’s a bigger picture than a materialistic attitude.
What’s Pittsburgh like?
Pittsburgh is amazing, I love my city. I wouldn’t choose another place to have grown up. People around here are tough, and the culture has created driven attitudes and hard workers.
Favorite artist of all time?
That’s hard to say…my go-to style of music is so, so broad but I would go with Frank Ocean. His music has helped me through some hard times.
Go-to tune of the moment?
After Hours by The Weeknd. That song takes me into a different world of emotion and stimulation.
Analog or digital?
Digital, I’m a visual type of person.
Spicy or sweet?
Beach or city?
Beach, hands down.
Essentials to bring along your travels for a last-minute job are…
I always pack product for both hair and face but honestly just a good attitude. Things come up very quickly in this industry and you never know what you might be doing the next day.
What are your thoughts in regard to the whole Instagram thing?
My thoughts on Instagram are very mixed. I have honestly put a lot of prior thought into the whole Instagram/social media thing since it’s growth and value have skyrocketed. I think it can be a very good tool to better your life if used correctly. I try not to get too infatuated with it because any addiction can through off your balance in life.
How do you tackle brutalist behavior and e-trolling?
It doesn’t bother me, I believe if somebody has a conflict with me it is better confronted in person. Anybody can type cruel things but that doesn’t solve anything.
What are the things that really matter to you?
My family and friendships. I’ve been so blessed to have the family that I do, and I would not trade them for the world. As of recent I am an uncle and take great pride in caring for my one-year-old nieces and helping pave a great path for them and be there for them through anything.
Do you feel emboldened through your social media channels? If so/not, how come?
Yes and no, it is cool to create something of your own digitally for people to see and support, but I try to spend more time working on the real Jared. In opposition to that statement, social media is an amazing platform to create and inspire others positively.
What’s your take on the modern media landscape?
Modern media is a bit overwhelming, to say the least. In today’s day and age people and especially young children are thrown into much more stimulation than other generations in the past. All of this can create a bit of desensitization. It’s always important to unplug and take a moment.
What city inspires you the most and why?
New York inspires me the most. When I’m in NYC I can feel the hustle and bustle throughout, and I am an east coast boy myself and appreciate the realness in people there.
And your best commemorative moment was…
Seeing my first commercial on TV and pretty much everywhere else. That was a bit of a “pinch-me” moment, but I reminded myself to stay humble even though all my friends would text me like, “Dude! You’re on my tv right now!”
What do you wish you could have done differently throughout your journey?
Not changing myself and my persona for anybody. Being only 19 thrown into this industry people may want to change you and such. I don’t believe in that; you are your best when you are your confident and true self.
Any major aspirations?
Landing a GQ cover is an inspiration of mine, so many impressive and influential men have been covered with them.
What’s the wisest lesson you’ve learnt being in industry?
Be yourself no matter what and make sure the people you are working with on set feel appreciated as well. You may be the “talent”, but everybody is working hard to create the best outcome. When I am not modeling, I work in film and production and get to see the other side of the set and things like saying “please” and “thank you” go a LONG way. Nobody is too good for respecting one another.
If you could change anything in the modern world situation, what would it be?
I would change the price of education. So many young people with miles of potential miss that opportunity because of money complications.
Any final words?
I’d like to extend a huge thank you to Fucking Young! for this opportunity to be featured. I appreciate it so much.