Beauty is found in imperfection, so goes an old adage, which underlines the Fall/Winter 2022 Feng Chen Wang collection.

This season, the Chinese-born designer has been reflecting on that sense of never completing something, never being fully happy with it; of always starting, never stopping, and never finishing. But instead of resisting this feeling, Wang decided to embrace it – and built an entire collection around it.

The new collection campaign is, in signature Feng Chen Wang style, jointly inspired by ancient Chinese painting scrolls and polyptych paintings of the Renaissance period. A series of images that naturally flow from one to the other to form a scrolling, interconnected collective of individuals. Each image is sliced and seems unfinished on its own, yet harmoniously unites to the next, in the same way as how the Feng Chen Wang’s signature deconstructionism design technique is expressed on each garment. The unfinished, highlighted. The incomplete, embraced.

This campaign is a perfect echo of Feng Chen Wang’s legacy: unfolding towards a global future. Seemingly incomplete but merely a snapshot of a continuously dynamic brand”.