August… what a boring month. Those who don’t go burrowing under the sand or scorching in the hot sun are trapped in those carpeted and freezing offices where refrigeration systems threaten to create a microclimate similar to that of Siberia. Here, three young interns: Stephen, Daniel and Alejandro, spend their idle hours in some downtown corporate building, disrupting offices, playing good boss – bad boss and even exploring those seduction games hidden among mountains of sheets of paper and cups of coffee.

Stephen, Alejandro and Daniel captured by the lens of Guillermo Mundoz and styled by Alex Sobrón, in exclusive for Fucking Young! Online.

Brands: 3819etc, Ahug, Camperlab, Gianni Versace, Reparto Studio, Luca de Tena, Lolita Lempicka, Gianni Versace, Prada.


Photo and edition: Guillermo Mundoz @guillermomundoz
Fashion editor: Juan Marti @sswango
Fashion editor assistant: Sergio Pinilla @oh.heysergio
Photo Assitant: Eva Blanco and Maria S. Morató / @evablanco___ @mariasmorato
Hair and Make Up: María S. Morató
Stylist: Alex Sobrón @axlsobron
Stylist Assitant: Elizabeth Dimitria @lizalyubov
Creative Direction: Juan Marti, Eva Blanco and María S. Morató
Videography: El bicho del sil @elbichodelsil
Models: Stephen Lyne: @stephen.please, Alejandro Umpierrez: @julieto__ & Daniel López Suárez: @bajocero.x