Sessilee Lopez and Miguel Villalobos captures by Nicolas Wagner for Auxiliary Issue #2  Secret Crush. Miguel is wearing a 1-100 bracelet and the Vivienne Westwood super boots.

Issue out April 29th (US) & May 4th (EU)


Marilyn Minter

Miguel Villalobos

Tim Hailand

Annika Larsson

Hugh Lippe

Devin Blair

Carlos Dalton

Travis Bickle

James Chiang

Gordon von Steiner

Christophe Chemin

Ruzgar Polat

Bertrand le Pluard

Wade Schaming

David Boatman

Thanos Samaras

Diana Christensen

Burkhard Walther

James Jean

Ed Roth

Robert Knoke

Karine Laval

Nicolas Wagner