French musician Pierre Mottron, simply known as Mottron released his first record “Giants” some weeks ago. It took at least four years for this thirty-something guy to explore and create these nine alternative pop songs. Since 2019, he keeps surprising us with some cinematographic videos and the latest Rendez-Vous was for his track “Walk Away”. Directed by Canadian actress and illustrator Charlotte Le Bon, this new video is a mesmerizing and scary fairy tale story.

Here five things you need to know about Pierre:


Hi Pierre, what is the best way to describe you and your music?

I tend to describe my music as impressionist pop in the sense that, although my songs follow common song structures, the intention when I compose music has more to do with visual and sensory impressions than intrinsic musicality.

You just released your first record “Giants”, how was the process of creating this project?

It was a rather tedious process. It took me a good 4 years to achieve it and because I virtually had unlimited time on my hands doing everything at home with limited means, I wasted a lot of it going back and forth between versions. Fortunately, I ultimately managed to make the right choices.. or so I hope…(haha)

Your music is very cinematographic, what were the main inspirations when making all these songs?

Everything but music. As I mentioned above, the main goal is for my music to be a window to something else, and with that in mind, I find it counterproductive to use it as a source of inspiration.

Actress and illustrator Charlotte Le Bon directed your latest video “Walk Away”, how all this happened?

We were professionally related and mutual admirers so we got to work pretty quickly on her first short “Judith Hotel”. Friendship followed and we embarked for more.

Which movie you would have been happy to produce the original soundtrack?

I am a very big fan of Taiwanese filmmaker Edward Yang. I would have loved to work for him or at least a cinema of the likes, one that speaks about life and its melancholic mundanities.