Amy Winehouse

(C= Sarah Vaughan, M=Marvin Gaye, Y=Billie Holiday, K=Sid Vicious)


(C=Bob Dylan, M=David Bowie, Y=Lou Reed, K=Mother Teresa)

Lady Gaga (C=Madonna, M=Queen, Y=David Bowie, K=Cyndi Lauper)

Marylin Manson

(C=Kiss, M=Ozzy, Y=The Cure, K=Cher)

Amazing poster campaign for Billboard Magazine by award winning Brazilian design team, Danilo Boer.

Danilo worked on these with art director Marcos Medeiros and illustrator Marcos Kotlhar, who also worked on Getty. For these images they play with CMYK to produce pop musicians made up of 4 different influences; the motto being “Music. See what it’s made of.” Take a look at the campaign before it goes to press. Amazing…