Ria Keburia showed her new collection titled “Water Butterfly” with a special performance during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Tbilisi.

The newest collection is dedicated to one of nature’s most mysterious and beautiful transformations, metamorphosis – the life cycle of a butterfly. Passing through different phases in its development, the insect is reincarnated from a caterpillar into an effervescent and fluid symbol of freedom and youthful spirit.

The butterfly, the embodiment of the collaboration with artist Anna Water, is itself metamorphosed via the perfect analogy of water: The butterfly is a resident of a special, mystical world, where life is not finite, and the metamorphoses of nature are striking in their profundity and scope. The Water Butterfly, created by the artistic vision of Anna Water is the heroine of the collection, it is born from a metaphysical translation of the egg – drops of crystal-clear water. This metamorphosis is one of the most mysterious, because a drop makes a long and difficult journey, which only once completed turns into a tiny caterpillar. The baby is so small in size that it has to eat a lot and shed its skin several times until it moves to a new stage of its life cycle – the cocoon.

The cocoon phase transforms the caterpillar into an aqueous being, a fully-fledged inhabitant of the water element and also a logical culmination of the evolution of the heroine of the collection. The audience will be awestruck as the silent fish turns into a beautiful girl, the mother of all life and a symbol of endless rebirth on Earth. The circle of life will complete as the girl reforms as a drop again and thus recommences the endless yet ephemeral chain of transformation of the mysterious water butterfly.

The idea of infinite life and reincarnation of the soul due to the power of the water’s energy is highly allegorical. The Water Butterfly becomes a symbol of all life, the elixir of longevity, eternal beauty and health that humanity has been searching for throughout its evolution and which has been at the core of various spiritual and religious movements for thousands of years.

Photos: Natali Do
Artist: Anna Voda
MUAH: Lana Matakheria
Models: Saba, Salome, Mariam