You don’t need a holiday to have a parade.” That’s the motto of Personal Parade, a Ukrainian brand that celebrates individuality and self-expression. Their vibrant designs harmonize with your inner and outer selves, encouraging you to embrace authenticity and find joy in everyday life.


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Una publicación compartida de PERSONAL PARADE® (@personalprd)

This season, Personal Parade takes us to Costa Brava—a sun-drenched shore region in Spain. The brand’s bold and unapologetic pieces come alive in a short series directed by Harrison Sheehan. Picture a nostalgic Mediterranean summer movie, where unexpected connections unfold against the backdrop of sun-soaked mischief.

Check out the campaign images below:

Director: Harrison Sheehan
Cinematographer: Alberto S. Muñoz focus
Puller: Maite Jiménez
Gaffer: Ferran Iglesias
Music: Bill Waters
Talents: Andriy Khylevych, Mihael Belilov, Harrison Sheehan
Line producer: Kristina Liuta
Style: Ira Lan
Photos: Serhii Vasyliev
Photos films: Yulia Podolskaya