We catch up with a cutting-edge millennial part of today’s society, dissecting his exploratory approach of the Cuban culture.

It’s as simple as that – dig into your preferred social media, take a sneak peek at plentiful feeds or accounts, and you’re rapidly flooded by a dreary storm of ephemeral information. Friends jetting off on dreamy holiday destinations, snaps of wild nights out, or you might even happen to come across your ex’s post on a date with the new ‘lucky bee’ – oh, how unlucky… But never mind, let’s cut this chatter short and get to the core. It feels rather quixotic, finding people on social media who value and most notably, challenge, human principles through in-depth yet quintessential practices. The verdict? Well, it wasn’t too long ago that I managed to come across exactly what I was seeking for, finding someone who adhered to a hot topic that isn’t adequately probed. Simone Lorusso is my ultimate winner on this occasion – Italian born and breed, the hybrid is not your typical millennial who’s career-frantic and so on. No, not at all. Rather, he profoundly introspects and looks at world issues via novel approaches and ground-breaking mediums, determined to epitomize an unobstructed vision through his work. Lorusso’s latest project proves he owns a selfless philosophy when it comes to treating issues of major impact. With a fervent soul and a revolutionary heart, he revealed his latest project, Generación Particular, typifying a dissection into the up and coming generations, with a stern focus on the sphere of millennials. The project urges to break down archetypal stereotypes among less privileged countries – in this instance, he chose to consider Cuba as a prima focal point of reference. The hybrid also created a clip, reinventing an imaginative utopia, summoning happiness, portrayed through beaming tonal options and alluding to the fact that despite all, poverty and sorrow persist among humankind, resulting unavoidable. As such, one could feasibly outline this as utterly “trivial.” However, populations in the western world have no idea of what’s expected across the deprived social classes of Cuba, when chasing a square meal per/day. Lorusso challenged the afore-stated ethics through a short film, which will enable an increase of awareness and fight against an era of “corrupted collectivism.”

Head below to read all about his trailblazing project, so you’re in the know…

Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m Simone Lorusso, from Puglia. I was born in the remarkable landmark of Lake Como in 1994. When it comes down to job occupations, I usually don’t like being categorized; however, I am an Italian art director with experience in the advertising industry. My personal work explores the relationship within the new subcultures. I often collaborate with brands in the field of art, fashion and their intersection between contemporary culture.


Have you always stood firm for art and culture?

Absolutely! Over the years, I have matured a unique system of communication to express myself and my thoughts. I have been experimenting a lot lately and nowadays, I think my preferred approaches are purely visual, comprising techniques such as photos, videos, 3D and installations.


What is Generaciòn Particular?

It’s a project that came to my mind a few months ago. It was exactly one year ago when I was in Sardinia with a friend in a Cuban bar and we remarked – let’s head over there! The project speaks about Cuban millennials, dissecting their future in a nation where the future is not guaranteed at all. People talk about work, often seen as an “ultimate go-to” option if you can’t afford an education.


Is there a specific message you wanted to gain through this micro campaign?

There’s actually no specific message I want to communicate. I like the idea that each of us seeks to represent something different when dealing with issues of such kind. Through this project, I don’t want to take the viewer to the end of the story. My critical motto stands for showcasing the necessary and leaving a gap for interpretation.

If this was to appeal generations, which one would you opt for and why?

I would undoubtedly choose Generation Z; young people who grew up in the Internet boom are even more interconnected than millennials – The media effect is guaranteed!


As digitalized creative approaches are merely burgeoning with time, do you feel like AI will dominate traditionalism, erasing it once and for all?

Great question. We’re living in a critical time where we owe our biggest gratitude to industrial innovation but at the same time, regrettably, we fear it. Technology, as well as any evolutionary processes, create and take away the importance of core values simultaneously. I honestly think that when or if AI dominates traditionalism, we might even reach the stage of finding robotic profiles on LinkedIn. Imagine how cool – and scary – that would be?

What has inspired you the most through this project?

I thought about life. I thought about the several possibilities that my country allowed me to build upon to enrich my ideas. I took time to reflect on those people who do have none of these likelihoods. If Instagram dims for a few hours, we suddenly feel lost. Elsewhere, we don’t consider that there are many other young people who don’t have the power to communicate digitally like us…


What’s next for you?

I have a copious number of plans in the works. The short film in Cuba is my first of many short films and one day, hopefully, I’ll be able to merge them all in a lengthy film.