What are the boys doing during Lockdown?
Andrea Locatelli @I love
“I’m spending a lot of time studying“
Edoardo Nanni @Next
“Studying and watching movies“
Farouk @I Love
“Watching TV Series and studying for the high school exam“
Federico Novello @I Love
“Never stop e-learning! It’s important to read.
I also keep in e-touch with people via e-mail for smart working.
The only thing I don’t do is emulate other models“.
Gulliver Whitby @D MANAGEMENT
“Astral projection.
Hot gluing monster costumes.
Statistical personality quiz.”
Ivan Sudati @Next
“During the lockdown, I’m taking care of myself doing the things I love….”
Jiri @ D MAN
“Hi y’all! Here in Czech Republic we are in a total lockdown, you can only go out to supermarket or to a park to take a walk, I spend time mostly with my girlfriend and her or my family, we went to her grandparents house and then to my grandparents, sometimes I do workout at home doing pushups, and sometimes I do take care of my dad cars. Everything is closed, schools, cinemas, hairdressers, and if you’re outside you need to have your face and nose covered, and you can go out only in groups of 2 peoples. The 24 of April I’m gonna be celebrating my 18th birthday, the lockdown in Czech Republic is gonna end maybe on April 30 or maybe May 11. I hope this is gonna end soon so we can work and I can finally finish my driving license. Stay safe everyone.“
Lore Biki @I Love
“Stay home, stay save and keep working out your mind and your body.”
Marcantonio @I Love
“I do everything that makes me happy because is the way to getting out of quarantine quickly.”
Marco Novo @D MAN
“Let me introduce myself very quickly, my name is Marco, I’m 19 and I’m from Paris.
Actually, it’s the second week of quarantine there and I didn’t get bored yet.
Indeed I do sport every day, I help my little sister with her homework, I do Netflix and chill and because of my two dogs, I’m allowed to go outside with them so I don’t feel like I’m locked at home.
But there is some annoying part like I can’t see my friends and for the moment modeling is kind of in break.
Obviously I don’t complain about that because it’s something that is necessary to avoid the propagation of the virus.”
Matteo Tagliabue @I Love
“You can always find me in my bed or chilling on the balcony finally learning how to produce music and how to iron my own shirts.”
Qaher @D MAN
“This lockdown was challenging at the start because I realized that much of my daily activities are centered on being outside of the house. To counter-attack the issue, I had to reignite some old passions of mine in order to cure the monotonous effect of being in lockdown. I took up reading again and fell in love with how words can paint and shape scenes in your mind. Therefore, I am able to go out, but within the creative limit of the story I am reading.
I picked up on playing some video games that I didn’t have enough time to enjoy lately. It’s very satisfying since I also get to see the positive creativity of humans, in a time where “human creativity” contributed to the damage of the environment around us whether it be social, political, health, or economic damages.
In addition, I believe it’s very important to try new activities, so I’m going to be discovering new hobbies of mine throughout this time.
Don’t forget that it’s okay to get bored because that means you should try something new.“
Tommaso @WHY NOT
“Hi, how are you guys? I’m Tommaso Bellini, I’m 22 and my agency is Whynot.
During the block I’m doing some boxing/MMA, I’m training, I’m learning to skateboard, studying Spanish and trying to learn to play the piano. My parents checked in the hospitals so my brother and I take care of the house. We will do it all together, we will get out of this quarantine stronger than before!! Stay safe and stay strong!!“
Youssouf @I Love
“During my lockdown, I’m playing and studying and sometimes I like to do some selfies…”