




Spring/Summer 2014 derives from a culmination of beliefs as a human entity. The tools of humanity represented in today’s society and how it affects us as a whole. Briu Homme‘s message for S/S 14’ entitles specific paths that are represented in each look for the collection. (Sages of The Seven Gates, Seven Deadly Sins, Path of Wisdom, Path of Sorrow, Path of Dispair, Path of Solomon, The Gate Path, Second Gate Path, Second Sage, Acranum, Alkahestry, Path of Ishvalah, Path of Lilith). Each individual look is a piece of Instrumentality. Leading up to the final end stage of the project of Human Instrumentality – which is to create an existence where nobody existed singularly, but merely as part of the whole. In Instrumentality, the flaws in every living being would be complemented by the strengths in others, thus erasing the insecurities in people’s hearts.


Photos by Danny Roche.