River ViiperiVerified account


Sample size model/Wanna be actor, dreaming is for free so why does money matter so much? -NYC -Spain SnapChat: RiverViiperi

Somewhere in Madrid, Spain
Joined April 2010

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  1. 2 Live is not just 2 exist, but to exist&create, 2 enjoy&suffer, never sleep w out dreaming, 2 rest is 2 begin 2 die.

  2. Just Bambi & I

  3. THX! W all my fans I got a family again, thx 4 d endless support! I'd b nothing w out u Wish I could mention u all

  4. Nothing like Spain

  5. Morning coffee's with ma bruh! 🏼

  6. S U M M E R S U N S E T S I just like sitting at home, chilling and watching the sunset with F R I E N D S

  7. A wild&crazy weekend involves sitting on d porch,smoking a cigar,reading a book.If u add Pool,friends&some Wine🏼

  8. House for the weekend... I'm a happy

  9. Let the weekend Begin! "The world is a book, those who don't travel read only a page"

  10. Are you as ready as I am for the weekend? Well... Yeah, Friday. My weekend starts early

  11. “There's nothing wrong in change,if it's in the direction.2improve is 2change,so 2b perfect is 2have changed often”

  12. Today I wanted to be a

  13. I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.

  14. A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run - sit still and ignore him and he'll come purring at your feet.

  15. C U R R E N T M O O D This life is like a swimming pool. U dive into the water, but u can't see how deep it is

  16. “My mission in life is not merely 2 survive, but 2 thrive & 2 do so w passion, compassion, humor & style.”

  17. " Love my life as a "

  18. " Love my life as a "

  19. S U M M E R V I B E S

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