Video: Twin Shadow: "At My Heels"

Festooned with too much director's space!

Larry Fitzmaurice
on March 31, 2011 at 11:30 a.m. EDT

Video: Twin Shadow:

I'm going to level with you here: if you like Twin Shadow's song "At My Heels", one of the highlights from the new-wave revivalist's debut, last year's Forget, then you might not be wild about the accompanying video. Not because the video itself doesn't look cool-- as you can tell from the image above, there's plenty of astral imagery, as well as some trippy image-doubling effects. But there's also added "director's commentary" from something called the Directors Nod, in a riff on the kind of audio commentary that pops up on tons of DVDs.

The commentary is humorous in its meta-observations about the effects used and Twin Shadow's place in the "blogosphere," but it's also so loud that you can't really hear the song at all. At any rate, it's worth checking out just because it's so bizarre; watch it below.

Twin Shadow: "At My Heels" video:

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